Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lesson 28 The Human Face Challenge

Project 12-Participation

Upon feedback from my peers, I determined some mistakes in my storyboard. Most noticeably, my arms and legs seem disproportional to each other and the figures torso. In frames 7 & 8, my legs are not proportional to each other and the figure looks awkward. I also should have added some background objects or a horizon line in order to create some sense of perspective. I also need to change the angles and lengths of my shoulders and hips, because in every frame the figure is mostly square with the "camera", and I want to have views from the figures profile.

Project 12 - concept development

Project 12-Research

Project 11-Deliverable

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Lesson 15-extra credit

Project 11-Participation-EXTRA CREDIT

MFishman: The camera is too zoomed out. I also think the lighting isn't giving a dramatic enough effect. I would suggest lower the lights on the z axis and placing them closer to the maze.

JVerducci: I think you can improve the camera angle. I would lower the angle and get closer to the walls. The texture of the walls is also distorted on the top.

JAromando: I think the lighting is effective, but the camera is too far away from the maze. I would place the camera low to the ground in front of the opening of the maze.

Project 11-Participation

BEisenberg: I like the maze design and the wall texture. However, you have no floor. I would suggest adding a floor plane with a rough texture.

Lesson 15- Contour Tubes

Project 11-Concept Development

Project 11-Research

My game is a futuristic version of Dodgeball. Each side has six players and the rules are the same as dodgeball. If you get hit by a ball, you're out. If you catch a ball thrown before it bounces, the person that throws the ball is out and a player from the opposing side is able to come back into the game. Over time, power ups will appear on the court that users can run through in order to gain various power ups that assist in throwing, catching and dodging. The stick figures below represent the various dodging and throwing techniques the players could perform.

Project 10-Deliverable

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Project 9-Participation

JAromando: It looks like the top corner of the shape is too far skewed and the converging line to the tip of the pyramid is also askew

MMenscher: The back right edge of the brick is not on the right angle

MFishman: I agree, the blocks are not all placed at the same height or position and it makes the pool seem "wobbly". A lot of bricks are not aligned properly.

ELeclair: I really like the design. The image seems too pixelated. You should save it as a jpeg.

Project 8-Deliverable

Project 9 - Concept Development

wk 8 pedestal

Project 9-Research